Disability in the workplace: Overcoming difficulties and building resilience


The modern business landscape has made some huge leaps and bounds in the positive direction, at least from the standpoint of the people who are facing some sort of disability. First and foremost, the corporate climate has become very accepting and inclusive. Second, modern workplaces have, themselves, gone through massive digital-powered transformation and now offer numerous positions where workers with disabilities can prove to be an immensely valuable resource.

Still, the fact that some obstacles are removed doesn’t change the fact that this road is still long and riddled with countless difficulties.

Let us take a look then at a couple of suggestions that should help you build upon these valuable foundations, build resilience, and overcome the rest of the disability-related challenges.

Be open about your limitations

Be open about your limitations

One of the greatest mistakes disabled workers make when entering a new workplace is attempting to prove their worth by trying to compete on equal terms with their colleagues. The thing is that the value you are bringing to the table is not measured in sheer productivity and you are not, in fact, competing at an equal term. So, don’t try to hide your limitations and the challenges you are facing. On the contrary, the more open you are about them, the higher the chances you will find the work model where your professional ethics can really shine through.

Build resilience through professional challenges

Resilience can be best described as the ability to deal with adversity. And unlike most people think this trait is not something you are born with but rather something you learn by exposing yourself to adverse situations. In other words, it’s just like physical training – to make progress you need to push your personal boundaries. So, don’t lock yourself anchored to your comfort zone. Branching out, tackling new professional challenges, and exposing yourself to adverse situations will be very beneficial for your resilience as well as a sense of self-worth.

Leverage financial and social resources

Leverage financial and social resources

Becoming a productive part of society is not the struggle you need to go through alone. For instance, if you are living in Australia and you have experienced an injury that prevents you from working in the same position as earlier, you can file for a total and permanent disability claim and get the resources you need to start the new chapter of your life. And then there are government support programs, civic support groups, and countless other parties that are willing to help you out. So, remember, you are not alone in this fight – you only need to look for support.

Be ready to climb the ladder

In the modern business environment, glass ceilings have, fortunately, become a thing of the past. So, there is no good reason why you shouldn’t constantly try climbing the corporate ladder. Traditionally speaking, management positions are less physically demanding and rely on soft skills like leadership, tenacity, critical thinking, and negotiation techniques. The skills can, with time, be harnessed by any person. So, try to hold on to this thought to get yourself geared up – the most valuable skills and positions can be obtained by anyone.

Be an advocate for the community

Be an advocate for the community

This can prove to be beneficial for a number of reasons. First, you will be able to communicate the problems of the disability community and help your co-workers better understand the challenges you are facing, how others can help in removing these obstacles, and how the workplace can evolve to become more accepting. This will make life easier for you but also for all others following in your way. Also, you will be making yourself an important part of the community, earning respect and a sense of purpose. Standing up for others will give you more strength to keep pushing forward.

Well, we hope these couple of suggestions help you realize that facing some sort of disability does not mark the end of your career but only the start of a new chapter. The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius once said “The impediment to action advances the action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” Try approaching things with this new mindset. You will see, all the adversity you face will become the fuel keeping your flame burning even stronger.

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