How to Choose Vinyl Stickers for Glass Application?


Vinyl is highly popular when it comes to glass application, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. There are different types of vinyl stickers for glass available in the market that hold different properties. Many people feel confused while choosing custom vinyl stickers for glass, and that’s why we have created a guide to help them out. Vinyl in glass will surely enhance the aesthetics of the place and promote the business. You won’t face any issues while applying vinyl stickers on glass.

What Colours Suit the Glass Best?

The colour of the vinyl depends on the nature of the glass, the type of glass, and your own personal taste. Choosing a contrasting colour always makes a good impact and a more visually pleasing experience for the human eyes. If the glass is fully transparent, then it mainly depends on the background colour, and if the glass is black-tinted, then you can go with blue, red, white, or any contrasting colours.

Custom Made Stickers

Types of Stickers

There are only a few types of vinyl stickers that can be used on glass:

Calendar Vinyl

It is one of the most common types of vinyl used for covering and protection purposes. You can make custom vinyl stickers as well for your glass application. This is a type of sheet that sticks to the materials and is easily customizable. You can add images, colour, and whatever you like through the computer. The calendar vinyl is a thin PVC material that doesn’t offer any transparency, and if you want to cover your glass permanently, then you can opt for the calendar vinyl.

Matte Vinyl

If you are searching for custom vinyl stickers for your outdoor glass like car windows and glass, then matte vinyl is perfect for you. Just like the name suggests, these stickers are matte-finished and don’t have a glossy reflection. These types of stickers are waterproof as well, and they don’t get damaged when they come in contact with water. Additionally, they have scratch-less properties. So, if you are looking for a simple yet bold design, then matte vinyl would be a good pick.

Transferable Decal

The transferable decals are widely-used and popular types of stickers. These stickers are made from plastic compounds such as polycarbonate, polyethene, and polyvinyl carbonate. Just like the name suggests, the transferable decal can be transferred to another surface as well. One problem is they are not resistant to scratches and water. But they are highly decorative pieces for your cars, bottles, windows, and glass walls.

Best Vinyl Sticker

It’s Up to You

As we have discussed, various types of stickers can be used on glass, but choosing the design and fish are your choices. Some finishes are suited for a few places, and there is nothing wrong with a glossy antique sticker. So go with the design that suits the best for your glass and project. But you need to remember some things before that, such as

  • The printable vinyl is printed with laser printers, and if you want to get the best results to choose vinyl that fits your printer type.
  • You may want to use adhesive vinyl for your t-shirts, but the t-shirt vinyl works best for the heat transfer.
  • Make sure to use waterslide vinyl so that you can avoid having to peel off or to re-stick the sticker if it is not properly positioned.
  • Make sure to buy the custom vinyl stickers in Melbourne to promote your business from a reputable supplier so that you can get the best quality stickers. Ensure that the supplier has positive reviews and ratings before buying.

Stickers n Things provide a wide range of customized vinyl stickers. They have a collection of different sizes and designs suitable for every need. To buy custom stickers click here to contact us now.

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